Friday, February 28, 2014

Home Sick Tonight!

Uggggg! Can you believe just 2 days after I finish a 30 day Juice Cleanse, I have come down with a terrible head cold and body aches.  I didn't blog last night because I started to feel it coming on.  So I went straight to bed.

I was able to train this am, and had an apple with a bit of almond butter and a banana.  I swung by Juice Press for lunch to grab a Hawaiian Healer along with The Remedy for it's anti inflammatory properties. I am hoping this will do the trick.

No picture really of today.  The only thing I love about being sick, is I get to stay in bed with Shorty.


3 mile run
Zercher Squats Barbell 95lbs
Bet over rows, double bells 18kg
Ratchet Turkish Get Ups (move through each movement and return to the floor.  So, step 1, back down.  Step 1, 2, back down. Step 1,2,3 back down so on and so forth until you are fully standing.) 18kg


Hawaiian Healer, The Remedy, Pink Punk

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lunch With The Girls!

Starting to eat whole foods again today!  I still started the morning off with GLO from Juice Press.  I love this juice.  It is the perfect way to start my day.  It taste so clean and refreshing.  One of my best friends and her daughter wanted to celebrate my return to foods as well as a fresh start to eating vegan and as close to raw as I can.  I'm thinking 70% of the time is a good aim!  We went to One Lucky Duck.  A raw/vegan take away stop that is the sister to New York's Pure Food and Wine.  They have a small eating area inside which was perfect for us.  Very comfy and cozy on yet another snowy NYC day.  There have smoothies, juices, cookies, and desserts, plus a variety of supplements and even dog treats and toys!  I knew I'd love this place!!!

We decided on the Portabella and Hemp Seed Burger and the Zucchini and Greenhouse Tomato Lasagna.  These dishes did not disappoint! What I loved the most was, I could taste all the different flavors of the vegetables.  They were so fresh and popped in your mouth.  Definitely a different taste from cooking veggies.  The 3 of us wiped the plates clean!  It wouldn't have been a celebratory lunch without a raw/vegan dessert.  Ryo and I decided on the Raspberry cheese cake pop and Passa had the peanut butter cupcake.  We all tasted both desserts.  Before this experience, I was a dessert freak!!  I could eat cake and cookies all day if you would let me.  These were very nice.  Not too "sugary"  It was a nice change from the sugar spike of the desserts I once had.


1 Mile Run
Snatches and Handstands.  10 Snatched R/L with 14kg bell.  30 Sec Handstand Holds in between sets. 5 sets total.

Headstand leg raises for core work

Muay Thai:  Pad work!! 5- 4Min Rounds with my Trainer.  Then I held for him.  We both laughed as I went flying on his first kick.  I am definitely lighter!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 30

I made it!!  My 30 day Juice Cleanse from Juice Press finished up today.  I feel great!  I continued training while on the juice, making gains in my lifting and still kicking ass in the ring!  I have to thank Marcus Antebi for this opportunity and creating a well balanced juice company.  They leave nothing out.  Everything you need to lead a healthy lifestyle is in these juices.  I am also thankful to my trainer Steve Milles who did the cleanse along with me.  He will continue to encourage me to make healthy choices, and stick to vegan, and mostly raw options.  I did a beef question/answer for Juice Press.  I feel it covers everything I'd want to say.  So here it is…………..

What was your motivation?
I’m a big fan of Juice Press products; from juices and smoothies, to the raw food options, soups and snacks, I’ve tried them all. My most recent experience with juicing was last summer when I had to cut 12 lbs for a fight. (I’m a professional muay thai fighter and losing weight before fights is just part of the job.) So, I did a 6-week stent of juicing half-days. I wasn’t sure what to expect and was amazed by the outcome. I not only lost the weight but also felt great — full of energy — going into the fight.

When I was given the opportunity to do a 30-day full on juice cleanse, I was both excited and nervous. Excited because I knew it would be just the thing I needed to clean up my act, as I was, sad to say, still eating and drinking as if it were the holiday season. The few extra pounds I had put on were making themselves known: My jeans were getting a little tight and my energy levels were down. I was also nervous because I didn’t know if I could truly do a juice cleanse for 30 days and still maintain my workout schedule.

Weight before and after?
As I mentioned, part of my motivation to do the 30-day cleanse was to lose weight. However, I actually don’t weigh myself unless it’s for a fight. Instead, I go by how I’m feeling (energy, mood, etc.) and how my clothes fit. And, I know I’ve lost weight because my clothes definitely feel more roomy and comfortable since being on the cleanse. Also, my friends tell me I’m “deflating.”

Favorite juices?
It's really hard for me to pick a favorite juice! They’re all different, with unique tastes and vibes. dr. earth is a great combo of mother earth and dr. green — blending super greens and sweet fruit with a zing of ginger.

Favorite smoothies?
Wow, so difficult to choose from so many great-tasting smoothies. If I were forced to pick one, I’d go with fountain of youth. It’s a complete meal packed with protein, omega 3 and 6, amino acids, electrolytes, antioxidants, and fiber. The hemp protein is easy to digest and readily available for my body to use. Not to mention, it’s pre-bottled, so I can grab and go!

Did the cleanse affect your lifestyle?
These past 30 days have blown me away. I thought I’d drop a few pounds while trying some great juices and smoothies. I never expected the ride I’ve been on since I started the cleanse. My energy levels are at an all time high, and they’re consistent without the ups and downs I typically experience throughout a day. My job has me awake bright and early in the morning with a late bedtime. In the past, I’ve coped with this by taking a nap during my mid-day break. Not so on the cleanse! I never hit the afternoon slump so could get things done during the day instead of napping. And, at night I feel like my sleep is so much deeper and more efficient.

Other effects: I’ve maintained my normal training schedule, and made gains during them. Also, my friends have commented on how my skin is glowing. And, something I never expected happened. I never hit the winter blues. Like most people, I hit a slump come February/March when the holidays are over, and it's dark and cold outside. I was able to find a natural buzz that kept my spirits lifted through one of the longest and coldest winters in NYC to date.

Do you plan on changing your eating habits after the cleanse?

I’ve spent a lot of my free time researching new smoothie recipes and raw food options. I’m now much more aware of how dairy, sugar, and processed foods impact and limit my health and happiness. After the cleanse, I plan to remove dairy and processed foods from my diet and explore new ways to prepare and enjoy foods. And of course, I will do a week juice cleanse here and there to keep me on track!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 29

It may not look like much…..but this Fountain of Youth was made for me tonight.  My last night picking up juices for a full day cleanse.  On my way home form work, I stopped into my local Juice Press to grab my juices for tomorrow.  The people there are always so friendly and have been so supportive of me during my cleanse, they have cheered me on along the way.  I was looking for my favorite, Fountain of Youth.  It wasn't there!!!!  In fact, they were a bit low on juices in the refrigerator. That's actually a really good sign.  Because the juice have such a short life, 3 days, they are made fresh everyday.  So they really try to make only what they need.  If they happen to be out of what I am looking for, I can easily grab something else.  But……. Fountain of Youth is my FAVORITE!  I wanted to make sure I had it my last day.  (I'll probably get it Wednesday, Thursday, Friday….etc)  The girls behind the counter said she'd make me a fresh one for tomorrow.  I told her not to worry, I'll pick one up in the morning.  It was 9:00pm when I stopped in, and I always see the Juice Press mobile loading the refrigerators when I leave for work about 5:30 am.  She wanted to make me one.  It was her way of contributing to my last day on the cleanse.  It was so sweet, so I happily waited for it.  I know this will be the best one yet!

I have so many mixed emotions.  I don't want to come off the cleanse!!!  Can I be trusted?!?!?!  I know I go vegan.  But how raw can I go?  And will I feel this good after I'm off juices?!  I will take it one day at  time.   I still plan to drink a lot of juices.  Some I will even attempt to make.  I am excited to try raw recipes, and get back to making my own foods.  Plenty of restaurants in NYC that offer only raw food. My friends are excited to try them with me.  So I know I can do this!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 28

What a day!!  I didn't even bother to check the temp outside, because I just knew it was going to be beautiful!!! I was right.  Shorty and I started our day early at the gym.  Training for him, and then free play running around.  Brought him home for breakfast and I headed back to the gym for a client.  It's rare I work on a Sunday, but I really don't mind a client or two, especially if they are a joy to work with, such as Ruthie was today.  She works very hard, but we get some good laughs in.

Had to run a few errands, and then home for Shorty.  It was even warmer out now, so I knew I wanted to take him for a walk along the water (I live by the West Side Highway in Manhattan)  Just as I was trying to get out stuff together, my friend Marian called and said she was itching to get out too!!  We always have a great time no matter what we do, but we both share the same love for the WSH and often run or bike it.  Shorty is not a runner by any means.  Well, maybe if I had a steak in front of him, but that wouldn't even last long.  So we decided just to head and and walk, and see how far we could get.

It's so nice just to walk and catch up and clear your head.  We needed the sun exposure as this has been a rough winter for all.  I wanted to really tucker Shorty out since snow is in our forecast again. He is past out after coming home to a hot shower and dinner.

The above pics are courtesy of my friend Marian.  She is a great photographer, and can really catch some wonderful shots along the water.


Shorty's day!!!


Vital Force, Doctor Earth, Fountain of Youth, Body Fit, Miracle Mylk

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 27

One of my favorite quotes.  I rescued Shorty about 5 years ago.  He rescues me everyday.  No matter what happens, he is always happy for me to come home, go for a walk, on an adventure, or just chill.

Again, it was Shorty's afternoon.  It was finally a nice day out, so we headed down to my friend's place in Battery Park.  It's a nice long walk for him, and he loves visiting her, because she always has treats ready.  We had a great time, and he's already passed out and snoring in his bed.


5 Mile run
Body weight exercises:
One arm one leg assisted push up laddering down. Right arm 5,4,3,2,1/Left arm 5,4,3,2,1
Pistol squats (one legged squat, with leg raised to the front) laddering down Right 5,4,3,2,1/Left 5,4,3,2,1
Pull ups (hands facing away from body wider grip) ladder down sets 5,4,3,2,1
Chin ups (hands facing body, narrow grip) ladder down 5,4,3,2,1
Decline sit-ups 50


Glo, Doctor Earth, Fountain of Youth, Complete Source, Miracle Mylk

Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 26

Today was one of those days!  Well, the past few days has been one of those days.  I had a bunch of things that had to be taken care of.  I was on a time crunch, and I was waiting on replies/answers from others. So things were out of my hands.  That is so hard for me.  I definitely like to know exactly what is going on and when!!  But everything came up roses in the end :)


10 Turkish Get Ups 5R/5L 16kg bell
Zercher Squats 75lb Barbell
Bent Over Rows double 16kg

I still had to hit the bag, but I had so much going on in my head of what I had to accomplish later, I knew I wouldn't do it!  So I asked Steve to do 30/30 on the bag with me.  So happy he said yes! We worked 30 seconds on the bag, 30 seconds shadow alternating turns.


Glo, Lucky Seven, Fountain of Youth, Complete Source, Vital Force (like a dessert!!!! so good!)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 25

I don't actually have a photo for today!  But this is one of my favorite shots from training with Arjan Simon Burgess.  I started training Muay Thai with him 15 years ago!  I went to him looking for a few "self defense lessons" and somehow through all that I became a professional fighter and coach.  Simon is very technical in his work.  He has a background in Pekiti-Tirsia, a style of the Filipino combat sport.   He represented England, twice, at the International competition in the Philippines.   He also held WKA's US Super Lightweight Amateur belt when he was competing in Muay Thai.  I also believe he was a roller skating machine, often winning speed skating competitions as a teen growing up in England!  


3 Mile Run
Swings 25x4 alternating I go, you go with a partner
Deadlift 185lb 5x2
Bench Press double kettle bells 14kg
Ab wheel 10x2

Juice:  Glo, Dr Earth, Fountain of Youth, Mother Earth, Miracle Mylk (OMG!!!! this was so good!!!)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 24

Disclaimer:  These pics are not from today's session, but they are often the pictures I receive from sparing partners after a good training session!  Haha!

Nice day today.  I work a half day on Wednesdays, so I have the afternoon to get a lot of errands and business done, so I don't have to do them on the weekend.  I also get an entire afternoon and evening with Shorty!  Can't beat that.  Even if half of his time is spent doing this………


2 Mile run
Kettlebell Snatches and Handstands.  10R/10L x 5 with a 30 sec handstand hold in between each set
Technical sparing with Michael 4 min rounds.


Glo, OMG, Fountain of Youth, Dr Earth (new favorite!) Vital Force Very Berry

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 23

My love for Juice Press started last summer.  I had a fight scheduled for August and was about 2 months out from having to make weight.  I have always eaten pretty good in the past.  Being a vegetarian since I was 16, I try to balance a healthy diet.  Having been a fighter for the past 15 years, I always tried to stay close to my fight weight.  There could be times you get a last minute call due to an injury of a fighter, and you get a shot to step in.  I don't ever like my weight cuts to have to be more then 5 pounds.  It's just not fun, and you end up stressing more about the weight, and less on training for the fight itself.  I see it all to often in other fighters that are just starting out.

Previous to the fight being scheduled, I was out of hard training for roughly a year and a half.  I was hit by a car, and my hand was dealt quite a blow.  I tore all the tendons in the left index finger and broke 2 bones.  The accident itself was a bad one.  I was t boned from the side and flew from the hood of the car and over the back end, somehow landing on my feet!  I know I was lucky and it certainly could have been worse, but at the time, all I could think about was my hand and would I be able to fight again.  Two surgeries later, I am still not fully recovered, I can not make a full fist, and my index finger is stuck straight!  I love fighting, and it is part of me, so I learned to deal with the pain, and jam my hand into it's glove in order to get at least one more fight in.  I couldn't let this accident take me out of the game.

So here I am with a fight coming up and I was 12 pounds over fight weight.  Dreading the weight cut.  I knew I had to find the perfect balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats.  As a professional fighter, you have no choice.  Plus it's my name, my trainer's name, and my camp's name on the line.  I decided to stop into Juice Press to learn more about their  juice options and smoothies.  I tried them out and they were quite tasty, so I knew I could handle them!  I started 8 weeks out. The first thing I did, was switch up my protein source.  A majority of my protein came form whey or soy based protein drinks.  They always left me feeling bloated and heavy. I would replace one meal with Juice Press's, Fountain of Youth, made with hemp protein. (Check out my post on why I love Fountain of Youth and hemp protein here) and a green juice such as Dr Green Juice then eat clean the other two meals (example: salads made with spinach, beets, sweet potato, walnuts, almonds, fruits such as apples, bananas).  At 6 weeks from the fight, I started adding more juice or a smoothie to my day, replacing regular foods.  I had cut back my calorie count for the day to 1300-1500.  At  4 weeks from the fight, I was down to all juices and one low fat, healthy meal for dinner. I had even moved on to some of the "greener" juices like Mother Earth.  It took me a while to make the transition from having an apple or pineapple for the sweetness, to all greens.   I wasn't sure if I could do a full Juice Press cleanse and still have the energy, or if I could deal with not chewing anything.  It's really hard to change up anything in your life while training for a fight.  You have certain rituals, and routines you like to follow that work for you.  If only I knew then what I know now!!!

In the end, I made weight on schedule, felt strong and had the energy I wanted.  Above are pictures from weigh ins of that fight.  I stand about 5'4" and weighed in at 117.9  (118 was the contract weight!)


3 Mile run
10 Turkish Get Ups 5R/5L
Zercher Squats 75lb barbell
Bent over rows double 16kg bells


Glo, Doctor Earth, Fountain of Youth, OMG, Good Weed

Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 22

I realized today I haven't talked yet about my favorite smoothie from Juice Press.  The Fountain of Youth is by far my favorite!  It is a complete meal full of protein, omega 3 and 6, amino acids, electrolytes, antioxidants, and fiber!  The protein here is Hemp protein.  It is considered a complete protein because it contains all 8 of the amino acids.  It is the easiest protein for the body to digest, thus making it readily available for the body to use.It is the lowest in saturated fates of all the various types of protein (milk, meat, soy, etc).  Once I have complete my 30 days on the Juice Press cleanse, and I start to add more foods into my diet, I will add my own hemp protein into the smoothies I make.  I almost forgot to mention what really makes it taste good, which is berries, berries, and more berries!  They provide the antioxidants, fiber and vitamin c.  The coconut water has your electrolytes and is natures hydrator.  This smoothie is a must!


Morning: 4 mile run
Deadlift Barbell 175lb 2x5
25 Swings 24kg
Bench Press dbl kettlebell 14kg x5
25 Swings
BP dbl bells 14kg x5
25 Swings
10 Hanging leg raises
25 Swings
10 Hanging leg raises

20 Min Skipping rope
Technical Sparing Class


Glo,  Love at First Site, Fountain of Youth, Gravity, Good Weed

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 21

Even on Sunday, my alarm goes off before the sun comes up.  Sunday is Shorty's day.  Because of the weather, we have mostly been heading to the gym before it opens to do his training, and let him run around and play.  He isn't a fan of the cold, and ice on the ground, and it's been hard getting him out for long structured walks.  It's important for Shorty to maintain a regular training schedule.  We go through the basic commands: Place, Sit, Down, Here, Let's Go.  I can use anything for his place command and he will go to it, and automatically sit or lay down depending on how large the surface area is.  I can walk into another room and he will stay until called and released.

 I adopted Shorty 5 years ago.  He was in rough shape.  Very skittish, nervous, anxious dog.  Any noise in the apartment can set him off and run to hide in the bathroom or want to get outside.  I lived my life catering to his anxiety, and tried to make his life as comfortable as I could.  I thought if I coddled him enough, he would feel safe and grow out of it.  It got to the point Shorty jumped out of my first floor window, luckily into the backyard when I was at work!  At the same time, a friend of mine was looking for a trainer who specialized in aggressive dog behavior.  His dog was a mush towards people, but did not like other dogs.  He found the best of the best.  Jeff Gelman of Solid K9 Training.

Jeff has rehabbed dogs that would otherwise have been put down due to their aggressive nature.  I emailed him and got the ball rolling.  Shorty went to Jeff's facility for 6 weeks of training.  It was the worst 6 weeks of my life! But I knew it was the best thing for Shorty.  Jeff didn't work on any of Shorty's anxiety issues.  What Jeff did was give structure to Shorty's day.  He taught him how to be "Calm on Command" Meaning Shorty is put in a down stay and has to work through wanting to get up and bolt.  He has to know that I will advocate for him and take care of any "scary" things that may come around.  It's amazing what basic training can do for a wide variety of issues.  My friend's dog- aggressive dog went through the same training stages as Shorty and he is much better at accepting other dogs in the same space.  It's fun training Shorty, and he loves when he does everything that's asked of him.  It's very similar to my own training.  I love training, and if I miss a day, it throws me off, makes me a bit anxious.  That's why I'm up before the sun to get my training done!


Short's Day!


Glo, Mother Earth, Fountain of Youth, Gravity, Good Weed

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 20!

Once again it's Saturday!  Also Day 20 of my Juice Cleanse.  I am starting to feel a little anxious about adding food back into my diet!  I really want to continue on this path of feeling great, and having the energy to continue to train hard and well.  I started reading about raw food diets and how to prepare foods.  I'll post more about this when I understand it a bit more!

My trainer's pup was in today!  It's always fun working with Forest.  He is a rescue pit from the pound and is such a wonderful, gentle, well behaved dog.  So while we train, Forest also trained.  Having dogs continue basic training adds much needed structure to their lives.  Training will do the same for people. Here he is in his "place" command.  He did a great job being calm as we did our pistols around him on the small surface.


2 Mile run
One arm push up practice progressions.  Laddering down 5,4,3,2,1 R/L
Pull ups 5,4,3,2,1
Pisols 5,4,3,2,1 R/L
Ab wheel roll out. 2x10

Bag work: 30 sec drills for 30 min.  30 sec on the bag, 30 sec shadowing.

5 Mile run. A lot more running today then normal.  But I had an 1.5 hours before a client, so instead of sitting around or running out for coffee which, then leads to a snack, I just got on the treadmill and stayed on it for a bit.


Glo, Love at First Sight, MILF, Dr Green Juice, Fountain of Youth!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 19

Friday nights are fun at Five Points.  The last two classes I teach are Thai classes.  Pad work at 5 and technical sparing at 6.  The students train hard and we all have a good time.  People of all ages, and abilities come to Five Points to train.  Not everyone is going to fight, not everyone needs to fight.  A few people do.  It's nice to see them work their way up to the sparing classes and get in the ring one day.  Win or lose, they have already accomplished more then the guy that sat back and watched from the crowd.


10 Turkish Get Ups 5R/L
Zercher Squats  Barbell 75lbs.  5x2,  finally this felt easy both sets!
Bent over rows, 16k double bells

20 Minutes Jump Rope, 8/4min rounds on the bag.


Glo, Body Fit, Lait de Coconut, Perfect Pear, Pink Punk!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 18

I originally picked up a pair of Gravity Boots to help relax my hip joints.  I was in the middle of training for a fight, and my left hip always felt like it was stuck up in it's socket.  A friend of mine has been using them to stretch out his back for years.  He now hangs for 10 min twice a day and has no back issues.  So I thought it would work for my hips.  It was just what I needed.  I started out with just a minute or so each time I went up.  I eventually worked my way up to a solid 10 minutes every morning.  It become more of a meditation upside down, and did wonders for my hips.  At the same time, I started doing core exercises with them.  Basically a hanging crunch, or pike.  You can really feel it targeting the core muscles and had to work up my numbers for those as well.  I recently pulled them out again and started up with both hanging and training.


3 Mile Run
Deadlift Barbell 175lb (went up in weight today still feeling stronger) 2x5
Bench Press Double 14kg Kettlebells 2x5
Inversion And 2x5

Bag work  8x4min rounds before teaching the 8 am Kettlebell class!


Glo (I can't seem to start my day without it now!) Dr Green Juice, Fountain of Youth, Lucky Seven, Good Weed

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 17

Ugggg this has been one of the worst winters that I can remember.  It's sad when you start to think "25 isn't all that bad"  But it still is!  It's still below freezing and I still have to wear 5 layers all day!  This has actually been the perfect time to do a juice cleanse.  Normally by now, the "Winter Blues" would have hit me and I would have turned to food for comfort and warmth.  I wouldn't ever get what I was looking for out of it and I would feel gross, lethargic, and start to put on a few pounds.  That would then lead me to feeling bad about myself, and eat more! It's a downward spiral until the spring when I would have to quickly whip myself back into shape for shorty short season! I have been feeling so good on the juice and my energy levels are high, that I just don't have time for feeling bad!


Snatches! 10 R/L followed by a 30 sec Handstand Hold x5
Ab wheel 10x2
1 Mile run

Technical sparing and drills with my trainer Steve Milles, who is also on the cleanse with me!
You can read his blog at
First client of the day cancelled, so instead of sitting around, I jumped on the treadmill for another 3 Miles before showering and teaching class at 8am!


Glo, Love at First Sight, Fountain of Youth, OMG, Good Weed

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 16

I can't believe I have made it this far!  I am halfway through the 30 day cleanse.  I was a bit worked when I first started.  My trainer/friend, Steve Milles is doing it along side with me.  Not saying it's a competition, but I certainly couldn't give up and let him do it alone.  I was afraid I would be starving all the time, or feel weak, and unmotivated.  It has been just the opposite.  It's to the point I want to maintain this feeling and never come off the juices!  I used to come home on my afternoon break eat lunch, walk Shorty and have to nap.  I mean crash, drooling on the pillow, passed out sleep!  Now, if I try to nap, I can't.  I don't have any sugar crashes throughout my day.  It's just a steady pace I'm going on.  It's nice because I get my cleaning and errands done during the day and can relax when I get home at night form the gym.


.5 Mile Run (My training buddy had to get started early, so I finished later)
10 Turkish Get Ups 5R/5L
Zercher Squats Barbell 75lb
Bent Over Rows Double Kettlebell 16kg
Hanging Leg Raises 10
Windshield Wipers 10
Lever Progressions


Glo, Love At First Sight, Fountain of Youth, Dr Green Juice, Good Weed

Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 15

Half way there!  I am half way through the 30 day juice cleanse.  I don't want it to stop!  I feel so great and have a ton of energy.  Sometimes too much!  Napping in the afternoon between clients had become habit.  These days, it's hard to fall asleep!  I haven't needed one lately.  My energy levels (sugar levels) are well balanced and I am not crashing after lunch.  Why a picture of shoes?  Well, with all this energy  I had today, I was able to get in another run before evening sparing.  I love running.  I have run for as long as I can remember.  At 11 years old, I ran the San Francisco Bay to Breakers 7 mile run with my dad.  Of course he slowed it down for me, but I loved it.  He is the one that gave me the running bug.  You can run anywhere.  I have run in Thailand, St. Croix, Costa Rica, Mexico, Hawaii, Germany, Poland, Prague, England.  It's a great way to see the town/city you are visiting.  I have run in every state I have been in.  Any distance.  Marathons, Half Marathon, sprints, fun run, charity run.   It's part of a fighter's training, as well as many over pro athletes.  It's also a stress reliever for me.  I put on my iPod and go.


2 Mile Run
Swings 10x10 30 sec between each 10
Deadlift 165lb Barbell
Chest Press double kettle bells 14kg

Evening Training:

3 Mile Run
Tech sparing class


Glo, Sweet Potato Pie, Fountain of Youth, Good Weed, Perfect Pear.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 14

Ahhhhhhh finally!  My day is done!  Not that I didn't have a great day, I did! But I am always happy to get some down time with Shorty at night.  My day started early at 6am.  Walked Shorty, ran around lower Manhattan for work related errands, and then off to my friend's place where we headed to mid town with her daughter for her first dance outfit (leotard, tights, and skirt!) along with ballet and tap shoes.  Also, Bed, Bath and Beyond, and finishing up in Times Square at the Disney Store!  I'm only telling you all this so you can understand it was a very full, fun, and exciting day.  One that I would normally want to grab pizza on the way home and take a nap.  The opposite happened today.  Finally on my way home at 3, I stopped into my closest Juice Press to pick up my Juices for tomorrow.  They are always so friendly and ask me how my cleanse is going.  I told them I'm feeling great and energized and it's day 14!  They say it's wonderful how much energy I have and they can tell by looking at me.  My eyes are bright and my skin is glowing.  You can't fake feeling good.  Even if you smile and try, people can tell by your overall appearance.  This is just another benefit of the cleanse!!


Fun with Friends,  Running around Manhattan!!


The Remedy, Fountain of Youth, Dr Green Juice, Good Weed

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 13

Saturday!  Finally.  I get to have a light day at the gym and then relax.  Well, not really but at least I don't have to rush through my day to get back to work at night.  I try to play catch up on errands, housework, and laundry on Saturday so that my Sunday can be Funday.


5 mile run (was actually procrastinating, can't believe I did the whole thing!)
Body weight day: One arm push up progression 3x5 R/L superset with
Pistol squats 3x5 R/L
Pullups 3x5 superset with Ab wheel 3x8

Bag work
8 Rounds before teaching class

Juice Cleanse:

14Hour, MILF, Body Fit, Good Weed  (I know, not enough but I wasn't hungry today and I feel fine.  I will make sure to get more in tomorrow)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 12

I am starting to hit the cold weather blues.  I am not a fan of winter and this one is brutal.  I am always freezing.   Training with friends always helps me stay on track.  They hold me accountable for completing my training.  It can also be the only time we have to catch up on the events in our lives, but since I have limited time before I have to be ready for a client, the clock keeps us on target and we always get it done.


5 Mile Run
Zercher Squats 75lb Barbell
Bent over rows double kettle bells 16kg
10 Turkish Get Ups 5R/5L 16kg


The Remedy, Glo, Love at First Sight, Fountain of Youth, Good Weed

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 11

Dead lift day!  I do enjoy dead lifting.  I like knowing I can move heavy weight and I love what it does for my body.  The dead lift is a full body movement.  It requires you to create enough tension through the body to safely perform the lift.


3 Mile Run
Deadlift 5x2 Barbel 165lb
Bench Press 14kg Double kettle bells
Swings 25x4 (alternating with my friend I train with) 24kg kettle bell
2x8 Hanging Leg Raises

Bag work

30/30 for 30 mins


Remedy, Glo, Mother Earth, Fountain of Youth, Lucky Seven, Good Weed

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 10

Another snow/ice storm today.  I am so over this weather.  I don't know why I have remained in NYC for as long as I have.  I do not like the winters.  I came for 1 year, and now 15 years later, I am still hitting the pavement.  Days like today, I would love to stay in bed, especially with Shorty.  I do have to force myself to get up and out the door by 5:20 to make it to the gym so I can get my training done.  People say, " Oh, it's so easy for you," "you're a fighter"  "you're a professional athlete" " you work here".  Yes, all that is true, but I am also human. I don't have to get to work until 7, sometimes 8am.  So technically I could sleep until 6.  But I would never get my training done if I did that.  I have to make a conscience effort to push myself.  To wake myself up, to make the right choices when I eat,  to go hard in training, move up in weight and struggle with that weight, till I can lift it and add on again.  Once I have done all those things, I never regret it.  I am always proud of any choice I make, or struggle I pushed through to make myself better.


Snatches! 10R/L Handstand 30 sec x5 14k bell
Windmill 10x2 R/L
Ab Wheel 10x2


New variety today:  Glo, Mother Earth, Fountain of Youth, Lucky Seven, Good Weed, The Remedy

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 9

I still got it! People are surprised I have so much energy while on the juice cleanse.  I actually feel like I have more then usual.  I am training myself and my clients just as much as I was prior to switching to the cleanse.  Students in class are saying I seem to have more energy and a "peppier" attitude now.  They expected me to me miserable and tired.  I am loving this feeling.  I think since my body isn't spending so much time processing and digesting such big meals, I have more energy to use elsewhere.  Because I have a schedule that has me teaching until late at night, but still having to get up early the next morning,  I would sometimes have to eat right before going to sleep at night. If it was a big meal, it would take me forever to fall sleep and it wouldn't be good sleep!


3 Mile Run
10 Turkish Get Up 5R/5L 16kg
Zercher Squats 2x5 Barbell 75lb
Bent Over Rows Double Bells 16kg
Hanging Leg Raises 2x10


New Variety today!  The Remedy, Glo, Dr Green Juice, Fountain of Youth, Dr Earth, Good Weed

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 8

Ahhhh peanut butter!!!!  Shorty and I share the love for this delicious treat!  I put it on apples, bananas, toast, in oatmeal, on a spoon (yes, just straight out of the jar)  I love peanut butter.  Now, I know the natural kind is fine to have in your diet, but it isn't as good as the kind from when I was a kid.  And the whole separation of the oil and the peanuts is just too much for me to handle.  Peanut butter is actually the only food I have in the house right now……well, besides Shorty's dog food and liver treats.  It's a nice test to turn it down everytime I give him his bone stuffed with it.  So for now…….it's all his….and he couldn't be happier!

Morning Training:

3 mile run
Deadlift 2x5 150lb barbell (can up the weight this Thurs, it's feeling easy)
Chest Press 2x5 14kg kettle bells
25 swings/10 ab wheel roll out (2 sets)
50 swings 24kg

Evening Training:

2 mile run
Technical Sparing 1 hour

Juice Press Alternate Juice Cleanse 1500 Calories

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 7

Juicing with friends is always fun!!!  It really does make it easy and fun to have friends join me on this journey!  Friday night, my friend and I made a night out of picking up my juices for the weekend and a few for her.  She isn't doing a full cleanse, but does use a juice or a smoothie in place of one or two of her meals.

Today was Sunday and I didn't have much planned.  I was pretty busy yesterday and never really hit any boredom cravings.  I was worried about today because I didn't have anything planned.  As luck would have it, my friend texted in need of a pedicure!  So did I!  Perfect! It's nice to spend time with friends doing things besides indulging in a big meal or cocktails. I love the time talking, laughing, and catching up, but I always feel heavy and sluggish as I head home from hanging out.  I'm not saying that I won't be meeting my friends in the future for brunch, or dinner, but I hope to make better decisions then stuffing my face and needing to nap the rest of the day, and then feeling bloated and gross the next day, all over one meal!


Day off!

Juice Press Winter Solstice Cleanse  1260 Calories

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 6

Saturday!!!!  I love Saturdays.  More then Sundays.  I still hit the gym, but it's only for my workout, and then home with Shorty to explore the city.  Since today was finally close to 40 degrees outside, we hit the ground running.  We get out for at least an hour, but usually it's 2 hours before we return home.  Now he's snoring for the rest of the night, and I can get some chores done.  Including my update!


2 mile run to warm up

Bodyweight exercise day!
Assisted one arm push up laddering down 5,4,3,2,1 R/L
Pistol squats laddering down 5,4,3,2,1 R/L
Pull ups laddering down 5/4/3/2,1
Hanging leg raises 8, windshield wipers, and lever practice.

30 second drills on the bag 36 sets

Juice Press Alternate Cleanse 1500 Calories

I really like the Winter Solstice cleanse I did yesterday!  So I am going to throw that into the mix as well.  I'm thinking of getting it again for tomorrow.