Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 5

Day 5.  No one can say it better then Ryo with her Fountain of Youth in hand.  I teach a class for 2-4 year olds on Friday mornings.  This was my first class teaching while on the cleanse.  I thought I would be starving after or worse feel my energy drop during.  Nope!  I felt great and when the kids had a snack after, I enjoyed my juice and they enjoyed their snacks, which included a smoothie for Ryo.


Kettle Bell snatches and windmills 1snatch 1windmill alternating R/L for 30.  1 snatch 1 half knee alternating R/L for 20.  10 snatches R/L with Turkish get up each side (repeat) 5/5 with TGU R/L.  Total 100 snatches.

Bag work sprints  30 second drills 30 on 30 off for 30 min.
2 mile run and done!

I am trying the Winter Solstice cleanse today!!  So good, it's like a day of treats!!! 1260 Calories

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 4

Everyday gets more and more exciting!  I have a ton of energy still at the end of the day.  These two are my local Juice Press crew that I see every night and they have been cheering me on.  It's easier when you know people are supporting you and excited for you to achieve your goal.


Turkish Get Ups 5R/5L 16 kg
Zercher Squats 70lb Barbell 2x5
Bentover Row 2x5 Double bells 16kg

Technical sparing 10-3min Rounds with Michael, Still carving up that lead leg of his. Chop chop!!

Juice Press Alternate Cleanse 1500 calories

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 3

So far so good?  I'm definitely surprised that I am not hungry on the cleanse.  I know logically speaking, I shouldn't be hungry.  I am taking in 1500 calories a day.  I found yesterday and today that I didn't finish all 6 juices leaving me with half a Gravity this morning.  I drank it on the way to the gym, and I may do that again tomorrow morning.

Today was the first day I was home for a majority of the day.  I finished up with clients at noon and was home from that point on.  I wasn't hungry, but I found myself wanting to eat or nibble to pass time.  I know I do this on a regular basis.  I eat or snack when I'm not even hungry.  It's 18 degrees out so it's too cold for my dog Shorty and I to cruise around Soho so instead, I took more pictures of him!  Here he is enjoying what's left of my Fountain of Youth.


3 mile run
100 Swings (5x20 20kg)
Deadlifts 2x5 150lb Barbell
Chest Press 2x5 14kg double bells
Ab wheel 2x10

8-4min Rounds bag work

Juice Press Alternate Cleanse 1500 Calories

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 2

They tried……and they failed……This was at work today.  Normally I would have a piece.  Maybe a big piece…..but today was easy to say no.  Not because the cleanse has stopped my cravings for sweets yet, but because I made this commitment.  I am happy I stuck to it.


Turkish Get Up 5R/5L 14kg
Zercher squats 2x5.  65lb (still light today, will add weight for Thurs)
Bent over rows 2x5 reps double bells 14kg
Ab wheel 2x10

8  Rounds (4min rounds) sparing with Michael.  He thought for sure I'd be gassed from starting the juice cleanse.  Nope, still kicking ass.

Juice Press Alternate Cleanse 1500 Calories

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 1

This is it!!!!!  Day 1 of my 30 day juice cleanse is complete!  I think because of all my excitement, today was an easy day.  I know it will get harder before it gets better! That's why I am doing this.  I let myself get caught up in unhealthy food and alcohol during the holiday season and have just been feeling sluggish and gross. This is just what I need to jumpstart myself back into a healthy eating pattern.

I'll continue to train while on the cleanse.  I may drop my weights a little.  They were feeling heavy this morning, and I hadn't started the cleanse yet!  I never eat before I lift.  I'm happy to drop them down a bit.

Morning training:

100 swings to warm up 18kg
Deadlift day:  2 sets 5 singles 180lb
Chest Press with double bells 2 sets 5 reps 14kg
Hanging leg raises 2x10 Windshield wipers 2x10
Front lever practice 2x5
3 mile run

Evening training:

2.5 mile run
8 Rounds (4min rounds) on the bag


Juice Press Alternate cleanse menu (pictured above)